Kim Baker, a self-identified optimistic, pragmatic, “improveaholic”, is a certified workplace mediator, trust implementer and trust coach whose mission is to help others become the next best version of the highest vision they hold for themselves.
People hire Kim and Vivid Performance Group when they want their employees, teams, leaders and 1st and 2nd in command to work better together.
Kim accomplishes this by identifying and solving issues around trust, collaborative-communication, conflict, and team configuration using methods of assessment, training, coaching, facilitation, and even mediation so together everyone moves the people, team, and business forward.
Frequently we refer to trust and trust issues in abstract, squishy, and even ethereal terms which launches us into the wild adventures of trust building with our heart in the right place, yet the wrong tools in our hands.
In reality, trust is built and broken through our behaviors and actions so the only way to activate, elevate and perpetuate trust is to effectively tackle trust issues at the root-which is behavior.
Learn how to overcome the drivers of failed trust building by leveraging trust behavior data and a scalable, repeatable process to hardwire trust into your duo, teams, and organization.
Key Takeaways: